Technical Committee

The Technical Committee (TC) defines and implements FUNO’s corporate strategy. It is composed of 12 experts, 5 of which are independent members. Please click on their names for further info.

comite tecnico

As a policy in FUNO, our TC member’s assignment is honorary and does not give them any rights to receive compensation of any kind. However, we do give our independent members a small compensation for their services and support; this is decided by the CBFI Holder’s Assembly at the time of their designation or ratification. The responsibilities of the Chairman and the CEO are separated.

42% of the Technical Committee are independent members and 91.7% are non-executive board members; which means they are not employees of the company. like our chairman, who is not an employee on FUNO’s payroll. The average tenure of our TC members is 9.7 years.

From its creation, our Committee pursues the highest ethical, integrity and accountability standards. FUNO complies with all legal dispositions, as well as with the best international practices, where we also oversee Human Rights compliance and good labor practices.

The TC, as well as the executive team and all our employees, must comply with our Code of Ethics and we expect from them equal and ethical performance.

Some duties of the TC are:


In certain cases, naming of the Manager (with Practices Committee opinion).


Establishing distribution politics and approval of distributions that exceed 95% of the financial period.


Naming members of the Audit Committee.


Approval of real estate sales in accordance to the financial period’s reversion right and preference right.


Naming a setter in case of events that detonate trust’s ending.


Defining and implementing FUNO’s corporate strategy, overseeing performance, establishing objectives and management policies; always promoting the creation of sustainable long-term value for our stakeholders.


Establishing and reforming eligibility criteria for committee members.


Approving policies and transactions amongst related parties.


Approving leverage policies (after first fiscal exercise) proposed by the manager.


Analyzing and approving any transaction outside of eligibility criteria.


Presenting to the CBFI Holders Assembly, demotion of TC Members, with the opinions of the Audit Committee.


Approving internal controls or auditing guidelines; besides the Audit Committee opinion.


Establishing accountability policies with the Audit Committee’s opinion.


Approving financial results based on the Audit Committee’s opinion, to be presented to the CBFI Holder Assembly.


Establishing and reforming investment policies.


Appointing Audit Committee members.


Appointing Practice Committee members.


Appointing the Secretary to the TC.


Appointing Nomination Committee members.


Verifying Managers performance against its contractual duties.


Approving CBFI issuing.