Human Capital

Our employees are the basis and foundation of our company. Attracting and retaining key human capital is our main organizational goal. We are convinced happy and fulfilled employees perform beyond standard and this is what we look for in all our employees.Goals:

portafolio segmentos

Have at least 40% share of women
in the total workforce.

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According to the 2024 Priority Groups Identification Survey, 32.8% of our employees belong to a priority group (people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, Indigenous people, migrants, single parents).

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Increase women on the board
at least 10% by 2030.

Engaged and happy employees are key to our success. Hence, we strive to provide safe places to work, free of discrimination, where everyone can perform and develop personally and professionally with appropriate compensations for their work.

Amongst our key challenges in Human Capital are:

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Encourage inter-department collaboration.

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Communicate our processes and procedures.

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Measure performance with clear indicators and continuous feedback.

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Emphasis on training and development.

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Establish effective communication mechanisms
at all organizational levels.

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Communicate our sustainability agenda.




Voluntary Departures


Number of Accidents
Employees 2023


Number of Accidents
Suppliers 2023

We prevent excessive wage gaps with a salary range dashboard, measuring gaps amongst same level positions, regardless of age and gender. Middle and operative positions receive an annual compensation increase with at least the inflation rate, subsequently each case is analyzed by its respective department director in case compensation needs to increase in accordance with their performance. All our employees enjoy variable additional compensations in accordance with organizational and individual performance.

FUNO offers employee benefits that go beyond Mexican regulations; we do so in order to develop our human capital and retain key talent; such benefits are covered through ordinary organizational resources. Some benefits we offer are:

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Life insurance.

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Private Health insurance.

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Public / Government Health insurance.

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Maternity and paternity leave.

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Pantry cupons.

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Meal cupons.

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Holidays beyond Mexican regulations.

Our talent retention ratio when acquiring new properties is high, almost 95%. When we acquire new properties, we go above and beyond to keep existing employment whenever possible and economically feasible. All employees are fully informed of work conditions, benefits, etc. With at least notice.