
Waste generated

Waste generated

Together with our tenants and guests, we have executed waste management strategies; some of them are:

Tons 2020 2021 2022 2023
Inorganic non-recyclable 8,373.60 10,848.7 10,562.86 11,664.47
Organic 1,424.94 2,222.7 2,093.85 2,627.91
Sanitary 145.55 291.3 186.69 181.08
Paper and Cardboard 1,419.43 2,451.4 2,236.70 1,512.23
Pet-Plastic 80.81 103.7 81.40 174.18
Glass 76.36 182.4 70.87 73.71
Cans-Aluminum 14.30 20.6 17.58 16.91
Electronics 0.02 0.01 --- ---
Hazardous 2.17 0.8 --- ---
Other recyclable materials 2.56 7.1 15.55 0.21

Cellulose recycling

100% of corporate waste cellulose (paper, cardboard, etc.) is recycled through a third specialized party.

Although this initiative may seem elemental, its impact is high because it goes beyond appropriate disposal of office waste, it has contributed to:

  • Ecosystem conservation: through our collaboration with Bio Pappel, we contribute to habitat loss prevention and ecosystem protection, which allows biodiversity conservation and upkeep of ecosystem services in Mexico.

  • Energy: recycled paper consumes 28% to 70% less energy in its recycling process vs manufacturing new paper.

  • Emissions: less water and air pollution is generated through recycling processes.

  • Pollution: dioxide generation is minimized, due to the lack of bleaching needs.

  • Waste: solid municipal waste is reduced and with it we also diminish methane production.

  • Cost reductions: FUNO receives office paper in exchange for giving out its cellulose waste; we also reduce the amount of transported waste to municipal landfills which also reduces cost of transportation.

Reciclaje de Celulosa

Additionally, most of our retail estates have implemented cardboard recycling programs; through practices like this, FUNO optimizes its impact generated by solid waste while reducing costs.

Inorganic wastes with limited use

In our corporate offices, we separate inorganic wastes with limited use for feminine sanitary wastes. In order to give them proper management, FUNO hires a third specialized party.

With this we:


  • We Ensure There Is No Germ Propagation.


  • Wes Setup Germ-Free Spaces With Less Exposure To Foul Odors.

  • We Avoid Visual Contamination.


  • We Cut On Toilet Maintenance Costs.

  • We Prevent Damages To Pumps And Service Engines In The Internal Drainage System.


  • We prevent the unloading of these materials, considerably reducing our role in flooding and other problems in cocal drainage systems.

  • We reduce our impact caused to hydraulic resources.

Animal and vegetable fat reprocessing

We collaborate with a specialized party in the collection of vegetable and animal fats; we have installed collectors in some of our food courts and tenant spaces, to gather all waste fat resulting from food production. This fat is collected and eventually transformed into bio-energetics or used in the chemical industry. This initiative has contributed to:

  • Strengthening our commitment to reduce our environmental footprint and to search for environmentally friendly and innovative solutions.

  • Evade wastewater contamination, as well as presence of fat and oils in the municipal sewage system.

  • Additional income is generated for our tenants which also increases their possibilities of staying as tenants.

Reciclaje grasa vegetal y animal