
All our properties have energy reduction goals.
Through our Vicepresident of Operations and in particular through the Director of Maintenance Services, we regularly monitor and adjust the use of electricity, gas, refrigerants and other fuels, allowing us to take appropriate measures to reduce our consumptions.
Our reduction strategy is based on a one-by-one analysis; given that each estate has specific requirements depending on market, climate, location, electricity availability and working hours.
In the following map, we portray data on our energy consumption by state; these may reflect higher concentration of FUNO´s estates or higher consumption due to climatic conditions.

Our strategy to efficiently use energy, includes the following:
Creating partnerships with suppliers, in order to use efficient-innovative technologies in our estates or just to make our current technologies more efficient.
We will focus on reduction initiatives on vertical transportation items such as elevators, escalators, etc.
Control systems to automate our equipements.
Measure and monitor energy consumption in our properties.
Whenever necessary and possible, install software to measure electricity consumption in detail.
As long as it is financially feasible, we will automatize lighting mechanisms.
Introduce efficient lighting technologies; it will be done in phases and depending on each estate needs.
Global energy intensity
56.7% reduction in global energy intensity vs 2018
*Includes the properties over which FUNO® has operational control (52.5% of the total ABR)
Electricity consumption
Year | 2022 | 2023 |
Renewable energy consumption | 0% | 0.13% |
Striving for resilience
At FUNO we put our tenants' comfort first, but we are also conscious of the importance of taking care of natural resources and our consumption. Hence, through our tenant coordination department, we revise and analyze with each tenant their electricity requirements before they even enter our estates. Always putting out front their needs and energy efficiency per square meter, we do so by:
Natural lighting enhancement.
Strategic placement of cooling mechanisms.
Use of eco-technologies.
Optimizing design and location to reduce electricity consumption while maximizing natural lighting.
As a result, we are now able to allocate 70 watts per square meter to our tenants, compared to 250 watts per square meter in our planning phase 4 years ago, without compromising comfort nor well-being.