Sustainability management
The Sustainability Committee is the ultimate responsible for the implementation of our ESG strategy, it meets every two months and reviews progress of our goals, as well as current and upcoming ESG risks. It is directly accountable to the CEO and Deputy CEO.
Our Sustainability committee is:
Chaired by our Administration and IT Vice President
Investor Relations Vice President
Legal Vice President
All Property Directors (RUPs)
Finance Director
Human Capital Director
Sustainability Director
Facilities Directors
Procurement Manager
Guests as relevant depending on issue

Our ESG initiatives are audited every 6 months, once to our internal auditors which report findings and risks to the Audit Committee and once to the external auditor which reviews our performance and results reported on the Annual Integrated Report.
If findings are relevant, the Audit Committee escalates them to the Technical Committee which can also communicate concerts to our CBFI Holder’s Assembly.
Our Sustainability Committee also receives relevant training on CSR practices, including diversity, property accessibility, environmental best practices, health and safety regulatory changes, etc.
FUNO has an annual variable compensation component in its remuneration policies. Such variable compensation includes evaluation on ESG performance indicators depending on the role; for example:
In 2019, AMEFIBRA (Asociación Mexicana de FIBRAS) created its Sustainability Committee with the aim to promote best ESG practices in Mexico. FUNO’s sustainability director chairs the AMEFIBRA Sustainability Committee.