Stakeholder engagement

At FUNO we adopted the “International Integrated Reporting Framework”, where the reporting of sustainability results should provide an overview on the nature and quality of the relationships between stakeholders and our organization.

We have established formal protocols to communicate with stakeholders, from anyone who steps into our properties to suppliers, tenants and CBFI holders.

We are convinced that collaboration and listening to our stakeholders is fundamental to our success and particularly to our sustainability strategy.

Feedback has allowed us to identify particular issues our stakeholders expect from us and it has further pushed our sustainability agenda on issues such as Human Capital Development, water consumption and handicap inclusion to mention some.

To encourage feedback, we have established several communication mechanisms with our stakeholders.

Additionally, we have secondary communication mechanisms, such as the whistleblowing or Ethics Line which is open to our employees and suppliers; as well as periodic one on one meetings with government institutions and tenants.

Stakeholder group Description Level Communication channel Relevant Issues

CBFI Holders

  • Institutional investor.

  • Private investor market.

  • Organizational.

  • Investor relations office.

  • FUNO day.

  • Conference participation.

  • Meetings with analysts, banks, qualifiers and others.

  • Quarterly polls.

  • Yearly report.

  • Press releases.

  • Financial results.

  • Stability and business continuity.

  • Transparency.



  • National, regional & local

  • Offices & industrial:

    • Multinationals.
    • SMEs.
    • Government.

  • Retail:

    • Multinational.
    • National franchises.
    • SMEs.

  • Organizational.

  • Portfolio.

  • Local.

  • Through project representants.

  • Mall manager.

  • Collection office.

  • Tenant coordination office.

  • Social media.

  • Personal meetings.

  • Service quality and efficience.

  • Quality of the commercial relationship.

  • Easiness in processes and paperwork.



  • Organizational.

  • Local.

  • Open door policy.

  • Work environment polls.

  • Integration day.

  • Human resources office.

  • Property managers meeting.

  • Ethics line.

  • Mails.

  • Company reciprocity.

  • Belonging sense & motivation.

  • Inter & intra area collaboration.


Suppliers & Contractors

  • Property operators.

  • Services:

    • Cleaning.
    • Segurity.
    • Others.

  • City services:

    • Water.
    • Energy.
    • Fuel.
    • Waste collection.

  • Products.

  • Organizational.

  • Local.

  • Buying office.

  • Area that requires or contracts the service.

  • Contracts.

  • Supplier portal.

  • Personal meetings.

  • On time payments.

  • Commercial relationship.

  • Quality and distribution of paid goods and services.



  • Organizational.

  • Portfolio.

  • Personal meetings.

  • Investor relations office.

  • Treasury and Finance Vicepresidency.



  • SAT (Tax office).

  • Bank of Mexico.

  • Banking and Stocks Commission.


  • Others.

  • Organizational.

  • Portfolio.

  • Management board.

  • Legal office.

  • Mall manager.

  • Our contribution to social development.

  • Social integration and cultural promotion efforts.



  • Workers and visitors that visit our office and industrial properties.

  • Shopping mall visitors.

  • Organizational.

  • Portfolio.

  • Local.

  • Social media.

  • Mall manager.

  • Suggestion box.

  • Marketing pieces on-site.

  • Security.

  • Visit experience.

  • Innovative services.



  • Organizational.

  • Local.

  • Social Media.

  • Website.

  • Mall manager.

  • Social commitment.

  • Shopping malls as communication and integration spaces.

Additionally, we have secondary communication mechanisms, such as the whistleblowing or Ethics Line which is open to our employees and suppliers; as well as periodic one on one meetings with government institutions and tenants.