FUNO Outreach Program
FUNO Foundation is looking for initiatives that boost the communities in which we operate, also supporting education, local employment and/or environmental conservation. Winning projects will receive funding for their implementation.
Learn about the projects that obtained the best scores in the “FUNO te Ayuda a Ayudar” call for proposals and will be financed during 2025.
Fundación Aitana
Project name: No one fights alone.
Amount donated: $ 3,626,948.11 MXN.
Sponsoring property: La Isla II Cancún.
Beneficiaries: 300 directos y 100 indirectos.
Description: Fundación Aitana, located in the Pedregal neighborhood in Cancun, Quintana Roo, provides a shelter equipped with a playroom, special areas for teens and toddlers, diner, bedrooms and school. This shelter provides support to children and youth fighting cancer who are not able to attend other schools due to medical conditions, or require lodging while receiving medical care and are out of their community.
This project consisted in the construction of a classroom for 28 students, in which English and Computer Science lessons, and tutorships are given. Furthermore, a third floor was built to offer lodging for more people, an indoor court and a stage for sports and cultural events.
Additionally, the complex has been equipped with solar panels to provide energy for their lighting needs.

Unidos por la montaña
Project name: Sustaining the future.
Amount donated: $ 5,000,000.00 MXN.
Sponsoring property: Corporativo Samara.
Beneficiaries: 1,376
Description: This project consists of carrying out strategic actions that will have a positive impact on health, food, income, environment, social cohesion, basic services, infrastructure, housing and education of the communities located on Puma Rosa, El Limón and Zapote Blanco; located in the mountains of Guerrero.
The starting point of all actions has been training and sensibilization of locals on the elaboration of stabilized adobe bricks and encouragement of community work to generate social cohesion within the communities.
During the development of these works, members of the communities received equivalent working conditions compared to construction workers. A vermicomposter was built and an extension of t an existing roof were built, and 35 backyard agroecological orchards were developed.
A house for rural teachers was renovated, 48 kitchens equipped with wood-saving stoves were built, reforestation within those communities happened, 13 homes were renewed and a preschool was built.

Jardín botánico de Acapulco
Project name: Wastewater treatment plant for irrigation
Amount donated: $ 1,305,255.00 MXN.
Sponsoring property: Galerías Diana, Acapulco.
Beneficiaries: 3,020
Description: The botanical garden of Acapulco borders with the Cumbres de Llano Largo neighborhood, a community that covers an area of approximately 67 hectares, in which 756 housing units are located and pour their sewage through the “open sky” waterbed, which crosses the garden’s facilities and finally flows into the sea.
The project’s main objective was the usage and proper treatment of wastewater, resulting in more than just a garden irrigation system, but also brought benefits for Acapulco’s community, since it prevents these contaminated waters from reaching the bay.
The above happened through the installation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant whose energy is supplied by solar panels that were installed.

Fundación Te queremos ayudar
Project name: Healing my burnt skin.
Amount donated: $1,311,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 250
Description: The mission Te Queremos Ayudar has, is to bring proper help, free of any charges, to children in low-income environments of Veracruz and surrounding localities that suffered severe burns.
This project provides medical, psychological and economical aid to children, victims of mild to severe burns, giving them medicine, bandages, cultured skin patches, reconstructive surgery, prosthesis, compression garments and accessories like pediatric walkers, wheelchairs and crutches.
Furthermore, to help low-income families to get in touch with specialized health services, providing travel allowance for transportation, accommodation, and food.
On the other side, through risk prevention campaigns, we bring awareness to the population within the zone on latent burn risks, especially at home.

Project name: Attention protocol for children and teenagers that have survived serious violence situations.
Amount donated: $3,664,788.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 45 monthly survivors.
Description: Reinserta is a non-governmental organization that works with children and teenagers that have been exposed to situations of trauma related to violence in Mexico. It brings comprehensive care, considering health (mental and physical), accompaniment, and legal representation to promote the protection of them and their human rights, educational follow-up and overcoming of trauma.

Cruz Roja Mexicana
Project name: Operating room, emergency room and other hospital areas remodeling.
Amount donated: $4,671,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 106,300 local residents.
Description: La Cruz roja is a private aid humanitarian institution, dedicated to preserving health and life, and relieving human suffering, encouraging selfcare culture in people and communities through volunteering.
This project consisted of the remodeling of their hospital facility in the region of Tlanepantla, Estado de Mexico. With this, we helped a large scale of residents, providing proper health services and high-quality medical aid for ill and emergency patients in an immediate way; without needing to transfer them to other hospitals.

Project name: Water reservoir in Tarango.
Amount donated: $2,590,340.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 110,000 local residents.
Description: Ectagono is an institution dedicated to drive actions that create a balance between environment, people and economy through the design and implementation of strategies focused on regenerative development to achieve successful sustainability.
The objective of this project is the construction of the first water reservoir on one of the last canyons with vegetation coverage in Mexico City: Tarango.
The reservoir has a storage capacity of 580,000 liters of water coming from rain and wastewater from Rio Puerta Grande, which allows the zone to have availability of this resource during drought seasons. The Tarango canyon, located in the Alvaro Obregon municipality, is the last natural gully of Mexico City, that during the last 50 years has suffered deforestation, desertification, forest fires and loss of biodiversity.
Project name: Restoration and Regeneration of Chinampas in Xochimilco, México City.
Amount donated: 1,546,000.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: Residents of Xochimilco and México City
Description: This project aims to develop appropriate soils for agroecological production, enhance the area's biodiversity, and improve soil and water quality.
Through the following actions:
• Regenerate productive chinampas in Xochimilco.
• Reforest with ahuejotes and planting pollinating flowers.
• Cleaning the canals between and around the chinampas.
• Develop roads and bridges to safeguard the natural habitats of imperiled. species, such as the axolotl.

Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer
Project name: FUNO stands for children with cancer.
Amount donated: $4,000,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 25 children.
Description: Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer is a private aid institution committed to raising the survival chances of low-income children and teenagers in Mexico who are fighting cancer.
The project consists of funding for proper treatment of 20 children, including two years of companionship during the process, and five prosthesis.

Fundación Vuela sin límites
Project name: FUNO stands for children with cancer.
Amount donated: $3,950,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 330 children.
Description: Vuela Sin Límites is a foundation whose goal is to improve the life quality of children fighting cancer and their families during their treatment, giving them multidisciplinary and high quality tools to understand and face the disease, providing medical, human and economic aid according to their needs.
The project consists of supporting low-income children who are fighting cancer with treatment, clinical studies and medicine.

Aquí Nadie se Rinde
Project name: FUNO stands for children with cancer.
Amount donated: $5,600,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 34 children.
Description: Aquí Nadie Se Rinde is a private aid non-profit that helps children and teenagers fighting cancer, as well as their family, caregivers or guardians.
The project consists of funding bone marrow transplants, treatment, and medicine.

Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Project name: FUNO perpetual scholarships.
Amount donated: $8,000,000.00 MXN.
Beneficiaries: 2 students during a four-year period for perpetuity.
Description: The project consists of giving two full scholarships to outstanding young people during their four-year undergraduate bachelor period, to be able to study a professional degree at Tecnologico de Monterrey.
“Lideres del Mañana” is an inclusive and charitable effort, to form transformation leaders with social impact, focused on brilliant young people that require full financial support to get a degree.

APAC, I.A.P. Asociación Pro - Personas con Parálisis Cerebral
Project name: Robotic neurorehabilitation, dental and educational care for people with cerebral palsy.
Amount donated: $5,800,000.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: 500 children, young people and adults with cerebral palsy
Description: The project will encompass two strategies:
(a) Providing robotic rehabilitation to children and adults with cerebral palsy, allowing the patient to improve their physical and motor status, impacting greater mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles.
(b) Creation of a dental operating room to have an impact on the oral health of children, young people, and adults with cerebral palsy through the implementation of procedures focused on preventing diseases or alterations in the patient's oral cavity, favoring digestion, and helping them to maintain good general health.

Project name: Prende Quintana Roo
Amount donated: $3,994,697.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: 55 families
Description: The project is to benefit families identified in Quintana Roo, who do not have access to electricity and rely on highly polluting, inefficient and dangerous energy sources such as candles or diesel.
The objective is to bring them an electric power service that is safe, reliable, modern, clean, and affordable. With this project, we seek to replace the dependence on those energy sources that represent great disadvantages because, in addition to being dangerous, the pollutants they emit directly affect people's health, making them more prone to suffering respiratory diseases. We seek to reduce the visual problems that arise from the use of an intermittent light source. In terms of health issues, families will also have access to appliances that allow them to have a balanced diet with vegetable protein that can be refrigerated, as well as be able to store vaccines, antidotes for animal bites, or medicines such as insulin that require refrigeration.
In terms of education, it will allow children and young people to dedicate 2.5 hours more to educational and study activities. In addition to opening up the opportunity to have access to technology that favors education, In economic matters, it will allow families to have 2.5 more hours of light that they will be able to dedicate to productive activities, handicrafts, or work that they could not do before. In addition, families that, for the first time have access to electricity in their homes express a perception of greater security in their properties, which allows them to spend time together as a family.
We seek to contribute to CO2 reduction by replacing polluting sources of lighting and increasing the use of renewable energy in communities.
Project design, logistics and transportation are based on the socio-demographic diagnosis carried out in the aforesaid communities and the knowledge of their energy needs. Based on this knowledge, the design of the isolated solar system will be carried out. Subsequently, the equipment will be assembled and shipped to the communities for installation.

Project Name: Mobile Units to Support the Health and Education of Mexican and Migrant Children in Chiapas.
Amount Donated: $2,000,000.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: 10,000 migrant children and Mexican residents of the southern border.
Description: The objective is to promote access to adequate food, healthcare services, and education. The project involves a mobile unit fitted with solar power that will visit the communities situated along the southern border of Chiapas, as well as the shelters where the recipients are located.
Operational components that the mobile unit will have:
1. Early intervention for children aged between 0 and 5 years old.
2. Food and nutrition guidance to prevent malnourishment.
3. Direct Healthcare.
4. Dissemination of information to access the national education system.

Huellas de Pan A.C.
Project name: Family Care Center
Amount donated: $3,900,000.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: 500 vulnerable children and adolescents
Description: This project aims to improve community welfare by strengthening the family union. in which families will be the focus of attention.
The project involves:
1. Family's Care Center construction and equipping
2. Recruiting and training the professional team responsible for families, induction sessions on the specific functions and activities of each area
3. Attend families in the different areas: health, psychology, legal, job training, education and sports, based on the care model developed and the manuals for each area.
4. Develop and operate the system for monitoring and evaluating specific activities by area.

Kardias A.C.
Project name: ABC-Kardias Pediatric Heart Center Catheterization Plan
Amount donated: $5,000,000.00 MXN
Beneficiaries: 48 children with heart diseases
Description: The project consists of providing access to heart surgery and catheterization (pediatric cardiac procedures of excellence) to more children in vulnerable economic situations who need it. Thus, improving their survival and quality of life.
The process consists of:
- The patient is referred from a public institution.
- Appointment for a first cardiological evaluation at the ABC-KARDIAS Pediatric Heart Center (CPC).
The case is presented in a surgical or catheterization medical session to the entire team of Kardias physicians. Once the procedure is assigned, the following is performed:
- Pre-surgical and pre-catheterization assessment.
- On the day of surgery or catheterization, a transesophageal echocardiogram is performed if necessary, and the procedure is performed.
- Post-surgery: Patients are admitted to the Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit for the necessary time for recovery.
- Post-catheterization: Patients are admitted to the pediatric area for recovery.
Kardias' care is terminated after the post-surgical or post-catheterization evaluation when the patient is counter-referred to his or her home institution.

Project name: Together with FUNO, we build a better roof for México.
Amount donated: 2,153.182.4 MXN
Beneficiaries: 121 people without housing, no potable water, or electricity access.
Description: The project consists of:
- The construction of emergent progressive housing in Oaxaca.
- Installation of rainwater harvesting systems (SCALL).
- Water care awareness workshops and training in the use and maintenance of SCALL.