Diversity and Inclusion

We provide equal opportunities to our employees; from the time of hiring to salary ranges, training, development, promotions and other employment conditions.
Our workforce represents the communities where we operate. All municipalities where we belong present high ethnic diversities. Our hiring processes promote local hiring in order to have employees with knowledge of local sensitivities and the needs of our guests; this makes our composition a reflection of Mexico´s diversities.
To avoid sensitivities, we do not ask on ethnical or race background; this has allowed us to create working spaces free of discrimination and where Human Rights are respected.
At FUNO, we aim to establish a secure and fair workplace free from all forms of discrimination. We have put in place a code of ethics, diversity and inclusion policies, labor equality and non-discrimination policy, and organizational culture that ensure inclusion and equality for everyone regardless of any disability, gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, race, creed, language, opinions, sexual orientation, sexual expression, marital status, state of health, or political preferences.
Fair treament
At FUNO, we are conscious that mobbing is an imminent risk that is presented in different ways, whether it is physical, verbal, sexual or psychological. To prevent those behaviors, the company released in 2016 its Code of Ethics, which is applicable to all of our collaborators and affiliates. Alongside, we introduced our ethical line, which helped us create a new and better communication channel to receive complaints, suggestions and information of any kind of abuse; with this, a campaign was launched to bring awareness of this whistleblowing mechanism and invite everyone to use it and report any kind of incident.
At FUNO we believe living with human immunodeficiency virus should not be motive of discrimination of any type. No body is obligated to go under the virus test or to declare they live with human immunodeficiency virus.
Collaborators have also received training on our Code of Ethics.