
We focus on:

During our initial assessment we also identified challenges and barriers to the successful implementation of our assessment, for which we have also implemented action plans. Such as:

Action Plan
Phase Barriers Solution Strategy
GHG Emissions Monitoring
Monitoreo de emisiones
GHG Emissions Monitoring
Inaccutrate data We obtained an online tool that validates the information captured with the corresponding receipts
Monitoreo de emisiones
GHG Emissions Monitoring
Lack of knowledge from our field teams on specific information requirements We invested in the best technologies in order to obtain the greatest savings. We prioritized those properties with higher consumption in order to increase the return on investment
GHG Emissions Reduction
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Cost-benefit of newer more efficient technologies Prioritize properties where return on investment is higher
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Market and sector structures Invest hand in hand with our tenants and suppliers
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Lack of information Train our employees
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Tenants culture or habits Communication and awareness campaigns
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Energy market regulations or structures Search for suppliers with flexible schemes
Reducción de emisiones
GHG Emissions Reduction
Weak link to our operations We engaged our employees on mitigation strategies
Climate Change Risks Prevention
Prevención de riesgos relacionados al cambio climático
Climate Change Risks Prevention
Current infrastructure state Resilient infrastructure investment
We developed a Climate Change Vulnerability assessment

Over 90% of our carbon footprint comes from electricity consumption (scope 2).

Hence most of our reduction initiatives focus on making our properties more efficient, through:

  • Monitoring and automation systems for 33 properties

  • Compensation and harmonic filters for 39 properties

  • Retrofiting

  • LED technology for 57 properties

  • Renewable energy

  • Collective transportation for employee commuting

nuestros inquilinos

The 4,5% of our electricity intensity reduction was due to the positive response of our tenants and their engagement on the implementation of good practices in their spaces, such as: reducing lighting hours and turning off equipment when they leave the office, implementing collective transportation systems for their employees, reducing the number of elevators used after business hours, etc.

For 2020 we have implemented a direct campaign to engage our tenants through an online survey on Human Experience and transportation to acquire data on emissions, for example, those related to their commuting.

Waste management has been one of our largest challenges in terms of measurement, volume registration and controlling the final disposition of it. Due to the lack of culture in Mexico, hence, we started a pilot project in Portal San Angel with the collaboration of our top four waste generating tenants. This pilot has tried out different strategies, the pilot included accurate disposition of hazardous waste, accurate segregation of materials which can be revalued (pet, cardboard, aluminum) in order to reduce our emissions generated by waste going into landfills.

Portal San Angel

Alliances to reduce and compensate GHG emissions

Contributing to the compensation of GHG emissions at the national requires team effort, for this reason FUNO has engaged in the following partnerships:

Automotive companies

102 electric vehicle charging stations have been installed in our properties in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey in alliance with 3 different automotive companies. With these spaces, FUNO is contributing to the transition towards a less polluting vehicle fleet.

Grupo Modelo

In 2019, the alliance with Grupo Modelo was established for the collection and reuse of glass in three of our properties. The collected glass will be recycled for the production of new bottles, which will reduce the GHG emissions derived from it´s processing.


FUNO has participated for the last 3 years in CONAFOR's annual reforestation program during the months of July and August.

In 2019, 570 Pinus Montezumae trees were planted in the Magdalena Petlacalco ejido of the Tlalpan mayor's office, which represents around 38 CO2e tons captured.


In 2020, FUNO joined Pronatura's “Adopt an acre” program, in which it undertakes to reforest and maintain a hectare in the Sierra Morelos State Park, in Toluca, State of Mexico.

With the adoption of this hectare, FUNO contributes to the capture of around 200 CO2e tons a year; which represents the capture of GHG emissions of four properties.

consumo energia


  • Electricity

  • Fossil Fuels

  • Refrigerants


Water Data

  • Consumption

  • Wastewater Treatment



  • Business Travel

  • Employee Commuting

control residuos

Waste Generation

  • Recycled Waste

  • Others

Cómo monitoreamosnuestras emisiones - workflow

Every month, property managers upload the information and relevant evidence to our software, from which data is input into the GHG emissions calculator and allows us to calculate and monitor Greenhouse Gas emissions generated by our operations, resulting in our annual Carbon Footprint.

Evaluating climate change related risks is core to our ESG strategy and to our operations. Hence we have analyzed the vulnerability of our properties in the face of:

  • Increase of global average temperature

  • Floods

  • Water availability

  • Sea level rising

For this we take into consideration the recommendations of TCFD and the scenarios provided by the IPCC


Currently, in our due diligence process, prior to the acquisition of real estate we seek that the properties meet specific requirements for the area where they are located; for example, for those properties located in coastal areas, it is essential that they have infrastructure and security procedures that minimize the impacts of hydrometeorological phenomena of the region.

In the case of those properties that we acquire in its development phase or develop in its entirety, we include from these phases the engineering, architecture, and avant-garde technology necessary to face different natural phenomena.

Likewise, our properties have procedures and action plans to face meteorological phenomena, which are constantly reinforced and updated in order to increase the resilience of our properties to the effects of these phenomena.

estrategia 2