Compensation Plan
Our compensation plan considered the opinion and suggestion of external advisors, key stakeholders, CBFI holders and the Technical Committee. It was developed by a third independent party, with relevant expertise in the development of such plans.
Our compensation plan includes:
- Duration: 10 years.
- Plan Governance: A Nomination and Compensation Committee was established to govern the plan. Currently this NCC is 60% independent.
- Every year, the administration will propose annual compensation to the Compensation Committee, this will analyze the proposal and give its recommendations to the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee will include such recommendations and if favorable, it will instruct the administration to implement it; the administration will then execute the instructions of the Technical Committee.
- Size: Equals 5% of CBFIs outstanding
- Encouraging and rewarding employee performance.
- Strive to achieve talent retention.
- Alignment of CBFI Holders interests with employee goals.
The parameters and objectives have been pre-established since the beginning in a clear, transparent and inclusive manner.
Additional Employee Benefits
Our employees, enjoy benefits superior to Mexican laws:
Extra holidays.
Grocery vouchers.
Weekly meal coupons.
Private health care insurance.
Annual medical checkups and health circuits.
Compensation Philosophy
Long-Term incentives
Competitive salary
Additional benefits
These three pillars, are intertwined with other criteria which are: