Technical Committee Experience

The TC considers that diversity of skills and experience is fundamental for the optimal performance of FUNO.

Based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), our committee members have relevant experience in 10 sectors.

The Assembly, TC and FUNO strive to complement the skills and experience of the TC members, prioritizing knowledge, professional experience, education and attitude; without regards of age, gender or nationality.

Years of experience
Years of experience
Technical committee Tenure Real estate Financial risk matters Environmental issues Social issues Corporate governance Mandates
Moisés El Mann Arazi (President) 11 45 40 40 40 2
André El Mann Arazi (CEO) 11 45 20 20 30 40 2
Max El Mann Arazi 11 45 30 40 2
Abud Attié Dayán 11 40 60 40 40 60 2
Isidoro Attié Laniado 11 40 20 11 1
Elías Sacal Micha 11 40 30 11 11 1
Jaime Kababie Sacal 11 35 11 1
Rubén Goldberg Javkin 11 47 10 35 40 4
Herminio Blanco Mendoza 11 1
Ignacio Trigueros Legarreta 11 22 15 30 10 1
Antonio Franck Cabrera 6 35 25 30 21 4